Number Types-Datatypes

Oracle supports three native datatypes suitable for storing numbers: •\ NUMBER: The Oracle NUMBER type is capable of storing numbers with an extremely large degree of precision—38 digits of precision, in fact. The underlying data format is similar to a packed decimal representation. The Oracle NUMBER type is a variable-length format from 0 to 22

Character String Syntax-Datatypes

The syntax for the four basic string types is straightforward, as described in Table 12-1.Table 12-1.  Four Basic String Types Bytes or Characters The VARCHAR2 and CHAR types support two methods of specifying lengths: •\ In bytes: VARCHAR2(10 byte). This will support up to 10 bytes of data, which could be as few as two

Performance Considerations-Datatypes

In general, the Oracle NUMBER type is the best overall choice for most applications. However, there are performance implications associated with that type. The Oracle NUMBER type is a software datatype—it is implemented in the Oracle software itself. We cannot use native hardware operations to add two NUMBER types together, as it is emulated in